Sports&Diabetes at T1d Festival in London
The new project is just started and we already are joining forces with other diabetes communities.
‘DiAthlete’ is a passionate team of advocates living with Type 1 Diabetes and alliance of connected diabetes organisations from around the world. They believe that diabetes education across all areas is essential, and its approach needs to connect further with those living with the condition 24/7.
‘League of Diabetes’ (LOD) chairs a global network of likeminded organizations, to share and develop practical approaches to T1D education.
That is the reason why we have join on their event ‘T1dFestival’ to promote out ‘Sports&Diabetes’ handbook and share the word around about the new project in the horizon.
Two consortium partners did join at this event: Bastian Hauck, #Dedoc° and Ines Jakopanec, EMCA