Tackling Diabetes with Sport

Erasmus+ Sport collaborative project that is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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Intellectual Outputs

During the project, 4 intellectual outputs will be made: the survey – testing and analysis, the publication – an easy to use handbook for 4 target groups and the ‘Important to know’ addition to the handbook.

The handbook and comic book

The partners in the Sports&Diabetes project set out to create a practical, simple, comprehensive, and easy-to-use publication that quickly educates about the basics of doing sport with diabetes and with that enables all persons living with diabetes to participate in sport activities.

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Tips&Tricks from Super D heroes

Tips and tricks gathered from Super D heroes during the final Camp held in Split in November 2022.

Take a look
The logo and visual identity

is created combining the representations of both words in the project name. The icons represent sport, and the blue circle is the official symbol for diabetes.

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The Survey

is used to collect crucial information about the most important topics that should be covered by the publication.

See the results of the survey